At Lafayette Eye Associates, patients know that we often stress the significance of comprehensive eye exams. This suggestion is not just to make sure you can see clearly or to update a prescription, early detection and intervention is necessary because unlike other areas of the body, eye diseases can go undetected for months or even years as they cause irreversible damage. Only with routine eye exams that include various types of imaging can your ophthalmologist uncover issues in or behind the eye that may significantly or permanently alter vision. In addition, eye examinations for other types of diseases or chronic conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid problems or cancer, can be detected through the eyes.
Scheduling a yearly appointment with your eye doctor is important at any age; the importance of regular eye exams for children impacts the learning ability and overall development of that child so childhood exams are extremely important. Children do not always have the cognizance to recognize it may be their eyesight that causes them to struggle. Regular exams lend a voice for your child to help uncover any issues that may be hindering their abilities. It may be as simple as the need for prescription glasses or maybe there is a need for greater intervention such as vision therapy.
Parents should ensure their child stays on schedule for regular eye exams. It is recommended that children have their first eye exam at 6 to 9 months of age. Developmental abnormalities can be diagnosed by an experienced optometrist such as strabismus (crossed eyes), amblyopia (lazy eyes) or pediatric cataracts. The next exam should be scheduled between ages 2 and 5. Refractive errors and blurred vision, binocular vision dysfunction and potentially more could be diagnosed during the early years of child development. The next series of testing should be done before a child enters school and each year after. School-issued vision testing may reveal concerns of myopia or hyperopia, but it is important to pay attention to your child’s habits that may indicate vision difficulties. These symptoms include frequent squinting, headaches, avoiding activities, clumsiness and inability to differentiate colors and shapes.
To schedule your child’s eye exam, call Lafayette Eye Associates at 303-665-2068 or choose a convenient time online at WEBSITE.