When you think about the average time you spend sitting at your desk, holding a laptop or tablet, or looking down at your smartphone, you’ll quickly realize the number of hours you spend per day in front of a digital screen. Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, affects every 2 out of Read More
Exploring Advanced Imaging in Ophthalmology: Beyond the Basics
Emerging techniques and technology in ophthalmology are key to aiding in early detection of ocular disease and other eye conditions. Advanced imaging in ophthalmology involves a variety of tools to improve clinical management, diagnosis and treatments as growing awareness regarding ophthalmology care and early diagnosis of ophthalmologic disorders drives the demand for advanced devices. Improving Read More
Illuminating Dry Eye Relief: IPL Treatments at Lafayette Eye Associates
Dry eye syndrome is a widespread ocular condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause discomfort, irritation, and vision disturbances, significantly impacting one’s quality of life. Fortunately, Lafayette Eye Associates offers a cutting-edge solution to this common problem: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments. In this blog, we’ll explore the effectiveness of IPL treatments Read More
The MD Elite for Dry Eye Treatment at Lafayette Eye Associates
Dry eye syndrome is a common and often uncomfortable condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The irritation, burning, and redness associated with dry eyes can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Fortunately, Lafayette Eye Associates is at the forefront of dry eye treatment, offering a team of MD elite specialists who are dedicated to Read More
Aging Eyes and Night Vision: Navigating Darkness Safely
The eyes change considerably as we age. Around the early to mid-forties, many adults begin to experience signs and symptoms related to vision changes. Just like the rest of your body, the eyes change over time. Common age-related problems you may begin to experience include difficulty reading up close, changes in color perception, the need Read More
Eye Allergies 101: Managing Symptoms and Finding Relief
Having clear eyes is one of the major prerequisites for great quality of vision. Barring any underlying health or eye conditions, healthy eyes should be free of debris, irritants or any obstruction to the eyes diminishing your ability to see. Eye allergies are one of the most common reactions to indoor and outdoor irritants. Managing Read More
Is it Safe to Use Vaseline on Lashes?
Social media is chalked full of videos, posts and inspiration for the latest beauty hacks, especially using inexpensive, readily available products or ingredients that can provide aesthetic benefits without the hefty price tags. The common household jar of Vaseline has been a tried-and-true staple in many homes for decades. From soothing chapped lips to slugging Read More
Are All Sunglasses Created Equally When It Comes to Protecting Your Eyes?
Wearing sunglasses is the ideal way to protect your eyes (and skin around your eyes) when you are outside. Knowing if your sunglasses are up to the task that they were designed for is another story. Make sure you are choosing your eye protection based on how they will perform rather than the latest trends. Read More
What is the Difference Between an Optometrist and an Ophthalmologist?
It seems easy enough. If you need to have your eyes examine, you go to the eye doctor. Once you start researching eye care specialists in your area or who is covered under your insurance, you may notice some doctors are listed as optometrists and some doctors are listed as ophthalmologists. For someone just looking Read More
Optometrist to Join Lafayette Eye Associates
Dr. Natalie Hansen Specializes in Pediatric Optometry Lafayette Eye Associates is excited to announce that Natalie Hansen, OD, is joining our team on Aug. 1, 2023. Dr. Hansen is a familiar face at our practice; she was an employee with us during the 2000s and we are thrilled that she is back as an optometrist! Read More