
What Are the Best Foods for Eye Health?

To keep your eyes in top shape and catch potential issues early, scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with Lafayette Eye Associates is imperative. An ophthalmologist will not only evaluate your vision but also uncover underlying conditions that might affect your eye health such as stress or hypertension. These exams are essential for diagnosing changes in vision Read More

Tips to Protect Eyes from UV Rays

Wearing sunglasses year-round is essential because the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays are a constant threat, regardless of the season. Continuous exposure to UV rays can significantly increase the risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, pterygium and even eye cancer. Therefore, protecting your eyes from UV radiation is necessary throughout the Read More

Exploring the Link Between Eye Conditions and Mental Health: The Mind-Eye Connection

The connection between eye conditions and mental health is an intriguing and multifaceted area of study. Eye health and mental well-being are intricately linked, with each potentially influencing the other in various ways. Some theories propose that mental health issues and specific eye conditions, such as glaucoma, might have shared underlying causes like circulatory system Read More

Impact of Environmental Factors on Eye Health: Pollution, UV Exposure and More

There is no avoiding environmental conditions. Exposure to ultraviolet rays, dry and windy conditions, pollution and allergens, extreme hot and cold temperatures, chlorinated water, and in today’s digital age, screen time, all impact eye health. And each of these environmental factors impacts individuals uniquely. Understanding which of these external conditions causes discomfort, inflammation and temporary Read More

Pediatric Vision Screenings: Why They’re Essential for Childhood Development

Young children often cannot articulate vision issues because they may not realize their vision is impaired, assuming their experience is normal since they have no point of comparison. Unlike adults, children lack the vocabulary and self-awareness to describe what they see or to recognize visual abnormalities. Additionally, vision problems can develop gradually, making it difficult Read More